How To View & Edit Supplier Info

Access all supplier information in one place.
Written by ShopXpert Inc.
Updated 4 months ago

Click on Suppliers Category to see  the list field and choose your desired tab.

Check the onboarding details of your Supplier on the Portal Status. If you go to Edit, you can adjust the status and put them as an Approved, Unapproved or Conditional Supplier.

On the KPI(s) tab you can see their Key Performance Indicators. The dashboard will automatically refresh to display the KPI(s) for the selected time period. Review the data to gain insights specific to the chosen time frame.

Take a look on the other tabs to see their CapabilitiesCertifications, the Materials that they are capable of running, Machineries they currently have available, their Finishes and much more.

Add documents and notes to ensure nothing is overlooked.

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