How To Do A Leave Request

Step-by-step guide on submitting a leave request and filling out the necessary information
Written by ShopXpert Inc.
Updated 4 months ago

Access your profile:

  • Click on your profile picture and select from settings "Profile" page

On the right side of the page, you can see the "Leave request" option. To create a new one, choose the leave type(paid or unpaid vacation, sick leave, or other), use the calendar feature to select the start and end dates of your leave, and click "Request"

Once submitted, the request is usually forwarded to the relevant approver.

All the requests will be visible on the right side of the page. For every request, there will be a status: Requested, Canceled, Approved, or Rejected. You will receive automated notifications or emails regarding the status of your leave request.

Also, you can cancel or edit your request if the status is still "Requested".

Once approved, the app will update your leave balance and reflect the leave period on your time sheet.

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